The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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Questions about the Genie of the Flowers

(Society, December 30rd, 1859 session – medium Mr. Roze)

1. (To St. Louis) – The other day we had a spontaneous communication from a spirit who said to preside over the flowers and their perfumes. Are there really spirits that can be seen as genies of the flowers? – A. Such expression is poetic and well applied to the case, but in reality it would be false. Make no mistake; the spirit only presides over the work assigned by God in the whole creation. That is how you should understand that communication.

2. That spirit is called Hettani. How come a name was given if the spirit had never incarnated? – A. It is a fiction. The spirit does not preside in particular over the formation of flowers. The elemental spirit, before moving on to the animal series, focuses their fluidic action onto vegetal creation. Such spirit has not incarnated yet; they only act under the direction of more elevated intelligences that have already lived enough to acquire the necessary knowledge for their mission. It was one of those that communicated.

He gave you a poetic mix of actions from two classes of spirits who act upon the vegetal creation.

3. Since that spirit had not lived yet, even in the animal life, how can it be so poetic? – A. Read again. OBSERVATION: See the observation made after question 24, in the article about Ms. Indermuhle.

4. Thus, the spirit that communicated is not the one who animates the flower? – A. No, no. I clearly told you that: He guides.

5. Has the spirit that talked to us been incarnated? – A. Yes he did.

6. The spirit which gives life to plants and flowers, does that spirit think and does it have its own self awareness? – A. They neither think nor have instinct.

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